10 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Risiko Bisnis, Life Cycle Dan Diversifikasi Terhadap Struktur Modal Serta Hubungannya Dengan Nilai Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the capital structure. The task of the financial manager is to determine the amount of capital structure to enhance shareholder value. Since the capital structure associated with firm value , this study also aimed to examine the effect of capital structure on firm value by considering the company's diversification strategy and corporate life cycle stages . By using the data obtained from the OSIRIS period 2009-2012, researchers used multiple regression test and path analysis to test the hypothesis. From the test results stated that only companies which are in the start-up phase which has a significant positive effect on the capital structure , as well as the diversification strategy has an influence on the capital structure of the company's capital structure with a sequence of related diversification > unrelated diversification > single segment. But when regressed diversification strategy with corporate values, only a single segment strategy and related diversification which significantly affect the value of the company, as well as the positive effect of capital structure on firm value. Most of the results of this study can be explained by the signaling effect and the pecking order theory

    Trust and Perceived Risk toward Actual Online Purchasing: Online Purchasing Intention as Mediating Variable

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    This research aims to test the influence of trust and perceived risk on Actual Online Purchasing (AOP) either directly or through Online Purchase Intention (OPI) as a mediating variable. Purposive Random Sampling used in this research with 100 respondents who have searched product through the E-Commerce website (B2C & C2C). This research uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) model with SmartPLS 3 program. The results of the test showed that Security practice and Privacy Concern have a negative effect on Perceived Risk, which subsequently Perceived Risk has a negative effect on OPI. However, OPI has no significant effect on AOP. Between the two of trust antecedents, the EWOM and Perceived Reputation only Perceived Reputation has a significant influence on the Trust. From the four constructs in this study (AOP, OPI, Trust and Perceived Risk), the Trust Model is the most powerful predictive model compared to other models such as Perceived Risk, OPI, and AOP

    Profil Histopatologi Kerapu Tikus (Cromileptes altivelis) yang Distimulasi Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) dan Diinfeksi Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN)

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    Black cumin (Nigella sativa) has been used as an immunostimulant in humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) was infected with Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). The addition of 7,5% black cumin in fish feed showed to increase innate immune responsee of humpback grouper. However, then was unknown histopathology effect forward black cumin administration in fish. This research purpose was to know  profile of histopathological humpback grouper stimulated black cumin and infected VNN. Fish was organized in five tanks based on treatment i.e control, VNN infected fish, and VNN infected fish with additional 2,5 %, 5 %, and 7,5 % black cumin in fish feed. Then was five organs i.e brain, eyes, kidney, liver, and gills, that observed each fish sample. Result of this research showed that the addition of black cumin, was not affect histopathology profile in humpback grouper that infected with VNN

    Sejarah Terbentuknya Desa Pagar Agung Kecamatan Rambang Kabupaten Muara Enim

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    History is events that happened or what happened in the past, each event leaves a mark which is then used as "witness" or "proof" that the event really happened. History only tells what happened in the past, but history will also have a major influence on present and future life, so that it can develop as expected. History is also a benchmark for any changes that occur in the present and in the future. This writing takes the topic of the History of Pagar Agung Village. In this paper using the historical method which consists of four stages, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. In addition to using the historical method, the author also uses social science related to this writing. Social science as a tool to answer what is a problem in historical writing. At first it was formed by the founder of the hamlet or the people of Pagar Agung village, calling it Puyang. In general, the hamlet leaders at that time mostly came from outside the region or in other words, the nomads, who at that time agreed to create a village, then from the changes and differences in origins and origins, a term arose called "Tumbang-tumbang" which which in the end, on the basis of the Tumbang that emerged, the Kandang Ambung hamlet was divided into four villages, namely village one whose inhabitants were called Tumbang Hambang, the second village whose inhabitants were called Tumbang Pandak, the third village whose inhabitants were called Tumbang Temening, and the fourth village whose inhabitants were called Tumbang Bengkuang.   Keywords: History, Pagar Agung, PuyangSejarah merupakan peristiwa kejadian atau apa yang telah terjadi di masa lampau, setiap peristiwa meninggalkan bekas yang kemudian di gunakan sebagai “Saksi” atau “Bukti” bahwa kejadian itu sungguh – sungguh terjadi. Sejarah memang hanya menceritakan yang terjadi dimasa lampau akan tetapi sejarah pula akan berpengaruh besar bagi kehidupan saat ini dan pada masa depan, agar dapat berkembang sesuai yang diharapakan. Sejarah juga menjadi tolak ukur dalam setiap perubahan yang terjadi di masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Penulisan ini mengambil topik tentang Sejarah Desa Pagar Agung. Dalam penulisan ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Selain menggunakan metode sejarah, penulis juga menggunakan ilmu sosial yang berhubungan dengan penulisan ini. Ilmu sosial sebagai alat bantu untuk menjawab apa yang menjadi masalah dalam suatu penulisan sejarah. Pada awalnya adalah dibentuk oleh pendiri dusun atau masyarakat desa Pagar Agung menyebutnya dengan Puyang. Pada umumnya para tokoh dusun saat itu sebagian besar berasal dari wilayah luar atau dengan kata lain para perantau, yang pada saat itu mereka setuju untuk membuat sebuah perdesaan, kemudian dari perubahan dan perbedaan asal dan usul itu timbulah istilah yang disebut “Tumbang-tumbang” yang mana pada akhirnya atas dasar Tumbang yang muncul inilah dusun Kandang Ambung dibagi menjadi empat desa, yaitu desa satu yang penduduknya disebut Tumbang Hambang, desa kedua yang penduduknya disebut Tumbang Pandak, desa ketiga yang penduduknya disebut Tumbang Temening, dan desa keempat penduduknya disebut Tumbang Bengkuang.   Kata Kunci : Sejarah, Pagar Agung, Puyan

    Profil histopatologi kerapu tikus (Cromileptes altivelis) yang distimulasi jintan hitam (Nigella sativa) dan diinfeksi Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) Septi Diana Sari

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    Bibl. 51-55Ada CD.viii, 55 hlm. :il. ;28 cm. -- Lamp. ( 9 lembar


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    Industri kecil mempunyai peluang yang sangat besar untuk berkembang, perkembangan ini sangat dihargai apabila dapat berlangsung atas prakarsa dan dengan kekuatan masyarakat itu sendiri, sehingga pemerintah tinggal membantu dengan fasilitas-fasilitas dan kemudahan-kemudahan serta perlindungan yang diperlukan. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan modal, sumber daya manusia, pemasaran dan teknologi, strategi pengembangan pada industri kecil pengrajin karya batok di desa sokawera kecamatan somagede banyumas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan yang digunakan pendekatan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threath).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis SWOT dalam Internal – Eksternal Matrik menunjukkan bahwa titik koordinat terletak pada daerah pertumbuhan V dengan faktor internal 2,969 dan faktor eksternal 2,849 yaitu mendukung strategi integrasi horizontal. Artinya strategi yang diterapkan lebih defensif, yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan kehilangan profit. Dengan cara mengintegrasikan proses produksi dalam satu tempat, peningkatan dalam promosi melalui media sosial. Saran yang dapat diajukan adalah pemerintah perlu memperhatikan terlebih dahulu sumber daya manusia dengan cara pelatihan dan pembinaan secara kontinu. Saran yang diajukan untuk pengrajin adalah meningkatkan kualitas kerajinan dengan mengadakan studi banding ke daerah penghasil kerajinan batok kelapa guna meningkatkan inovasi produk demi kemajuan usaha. Small industries have a great opportunity to be developed, so that the government can help them by giving facilities and conveniences and protection needed by them.The purposes of the present research aims to: find out the capital developmental strategies, human resources, marketing and technology, and the developmental strategies on small industries of karya batok.The method used in the present research was descriptive qualitative with SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis.The results of SWOT analysis in Internal-External Matrix show that the coordinate point was located in growth area V with the internal factor 2.969 and the external factor was 2.849 that was supported the horizontal integration strategies. It means that the strategies implemented were more defensive, that was avoiding the loss of selling and profit. By integrating the process of production in one place, it could expand the marketing area in increasing through social media.The suggestions of this research to the government to concern about the human resources by conducting continual training.The suggestion given to the craftsmen is they should improve the quality of their crafts by doing comparative study to the areas of batok crafts in order to improve the innovation of their products for the development of their businesses


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    The objective of this study was to predict the impact of Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) andBond Characteristics to Bond Rating by using the ordinal logistic regression. This regression was used sincethe dependent variable was ordinal data, consisting of three groups. The CGPI issued by Indonesian Instituteof Corporate Governance (IICG) was a score from 0 to 100 while the characteristics of the bond consisted ofthree variables, namely subordinated bonds, industry type and the maturity of the bond. The results of thisstudy indicated that scores of CGPI, subordinated bonds and the type of the industry were statistically significantat ?5%while the maturity of the bond was not. The positive direction of the relationship between scores ofCGPI to bond rating suggested that the higher the score, the higher the rating. The negative sign of subordinatedbonds suggested that subordinated bonds had a rating lower than non-subordinated bonds. The lastsignificant variables, type of industry suggested that financial and utility industry had higher bond ratingfrom other industries


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    This study examined the effect of financial constraint on investment of manufacturing firms either directly or moderated by level of diversification. The research population are manufacturing companieslisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange with their financial report during 2004-2008. Using a panel data of 527 samples. The result shows that there is negative significant influence of financial diversification on investment firm (P -0,121 ) and diversification- as a moderating variable decreases negative effect of financial constraint on investment firm (P 0,141). Furthermore, used split samples, DFC*Divers in contracting industries seems to have greater impact on investment (fJ0,195) than DFC*Divers in growing industries (fJ 0,153), means the existence of benefits of internal capital markets for companies in contracting industries

    Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak membayar pajak saat Pandemi Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19) Di Kota Tangerang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ialah buat mengetahui dan  menganalisis Kepatuhan wajib  Pajak pada membayar pajak saat pandemi Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19) pada Kota Tangerang. Pandemi Corona Virus Diseases 2019 atau dianggap jua Covid-19 telah menjadi mala nasional yang mensugesti stabilitas ekonomi nasional dan  produktivitas warga .